Introducing: The 2024 Intention Guidebook
I am Emily Marks, the owner and curator of Ardent Market. It's a bit unusual for me to write a bio about myself in the journal, but my intention for 2024 is to share, so here we are.
I believe it is important for you to understand how this practice began 10 years ago. Every year, I would set resolutions and fill my calendar with unrealistic obligations. Feeling frustrated that another 12 months had passed "unsuccessfully," I realized that all my resolutions were centered around eliminating negative aspects of my life, but they didn't bring me fulfillment. I longed to find mindfulness, perspective, and positivity. I purchased numerous books and magazines and declared that 2014 would be the year of "presence.”
That year brought significant personal and professional challenges, putting my determination to the test. Discovering the power of "presence" and learning about mindfulness practices transformed my life. I navigated through feelings of bitterness, grief, and confusion by making small promises to myself, finding joy in the little things, and embracing the slow life. This practice has become an integral part of my identity today, shaping how I manifest my future and operate my business.
I have a profound passion for creating mental and emotional space. Filling that space with inspiration, excitement, and personal growth is one of the greatest privileges of being human. You hold the power to choose the direction of your life, and you make that choice every day, in every moment.
This personal sovereignty has made me obsessed with intentions and their magic. 10 years later, I want to offer you a hands-on experience by guiding you through the steps. I hope you to feel a sense of ownership over it. Please print it out, take the time for yourself to fill it out, and explore your answers. Discover your theme. Keep the pages accessible and refer to them every few months. This workbook is designed for your personal development and the cultivation of intuition.
This simple practice is my gift to you.