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DISCOVER SPRING: What's in season at Ardent Market - Ardent Market

DISCOVER SPRING: What's in season at Ardent Market

The next few months we will explore the unfolding of petals and the intentions of becoming.

This is the season of seedlings, morning light, inspiration, bright citrus, friendliness,  adaptability, jasmine blossoms, and new beginnings.

Spring Energetics: Season of Air

The spring months breathe new life into our intentions, dreams, and communities. As the earth shakes off the sleepiness of winter—roots begin to sprout, soft storms promise sunshine, and darkness fades into light. The hopeful and inquisitive energy of Air gives us the playfulness we need to find expansiveness and potential. There is a lightness and thoughtfulness to explore. Take these months to set intentions, nourish insights, and connect with what most drives your curiosity. Go where the wind carries you. 

"Sometimes we can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us." -Mimi Novac

Spring Intentions: Stop and Smell the Flowers

Our Spring Market is centered on tending your garden—the seedlings and sunshine we need to find some airiness and inspiration, the fragrances and objects that create memories and connection, and our inner-garden of self-care and nourishment. 

This season especially, it's our intention to encourage you to stop and smell the flowers.  There is excitement in the newness of spring, but in the buzz of life, there are so many opportunities to savor the transformation. We hope you'll connect with nature, bring a little of the outdoors in, and remember that you are nature from your state of being to your physical body.


Astrological Weather & Special Dates (PDT)


  • New Moon in Aries - March 21
  • Full Moon in Libra - April 5
  • Easter Sunday - April 9
  • Total Solar Eclipse in Aries - April 19


  • Mercury Retrograde - April 21-May 14 (Shadow April 7- May 31)
  • Earth Day - April 22
  • AAPI Heritage Month Begins - May 1
  • Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio - May 5
  • Mother's Day - May 14
  • New Moon in Taurus - May 19


  • Memorial Day - May 29
  • LGBTQ+ & Pride Month Begins - June 1
  • Full Moon in Sagittarius - June 3
  • New Moon in Gemini - June 17
  • Father's Day - June 18
  • Junteenth - June 19
  • Summer Solstice - June 21

Springtime Experiences

There are so many activities and practices to float into for spring. From venturing outdoors to spring cleaning and nurturing the renewal of the season.

Taking care of your home, well-being, community, and physical body will result in an awakening of spirit and optimism. After all, spring is nature's celebration—accept your invitation to party.

These precious months: remember to get outside, even with a rainstorm.

Some things on our spring wishlist:

  • Walking to the farmers market for asparagus, avocados, broccoli, spinach, strawberries, and radishes (for more of a produce list visit this site)
  • Planting herbs, onions, artichokes, and even tomatoes (California blessings)
  • Layering more color and shine to the home with pillows and glassware
  • Picking lemons in the neighborhood, and trading for garden bouquets
  • Practicing breathwork and opening brand new journals
  • Listening to this playlist 
  • Romancing the wardrobe with natural textiles, softer silhouettes, and brighter colors
  • Pulling cards from this deck  
  • Lighting intentions on fire for Aries Season with Wish Paper 
  • Spring cleaning and practicing room resets
  • Swapping that extra cup of coffee for some Whole Flower Tea
  • Hosting brunches at home and frequent salads with berries and nuts


What's on your spring wishlist?

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