At Ardent Market, we strongly believe in supporting AAPI-owned businesses and want to do our part in uplifting their voices. By purchasing from AAPI brands, you can help support their livelihoods and contribute to a more diverse and inclusive economy. AAPI-owned businesses offer unique products and services that reflect their culture and heritage, so by supporting them, we can help preserve their traditions and promote cultural awareness.
This May, we will feature many of our AAPI brands on our website and social media platforms, and we encourage you to check them out, learn more about their stories, and show your support by making a purchase. Your contribution will not only help the success of these businesses but also make a statement about the importance of diversity and inclusion in our community.
We want to emphasize that supporting AAPI-owned businesses is an ongoing commitment to allyship and social justice at Ardent Market. We recognize and address the systemic issues that have led to discrimination against the AAPI community. By actively working towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society, (by voting with our dollars, amplifying voices, and supporting causes) we can make a difference and show solidarity with the AAPI community.
Let's celebrate the culture and contributions of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community by supporting their business and ensuring their success.
Thank you for joining us in this important cause!